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Towards a Nationwide Automatic Irrigation Scheduling System using Geospatial Artificial Intelligence (NAISS-GAI), a SUARIS Grant

Principal Investigator of the Project: Dr. Kadeghe Fue, Sokoine University of Agriculture

Project Dates: Feb 2022 – Jan 2024

Collaborators: Prof. B. Mbilinyi, Prof. C. Sanga, and Dr. W. Mbungu

website: https://www.sua.ac.tz/announcements/list-successful-projects-under-sua-research-and-innovation-support-suaris-2nd-phase


Morogoro YEESI Lab is a PEER Project hosted at the Sokoine University of Agriculture. This project is funded by National Academy of Sciences, US Agency for International Development and US Department of Agriculture. This project received PEER Cycle 9 Grant.

Principal Investigator of the Project: Dr. Kadeghe Fue, Sokoine University of Agriculture

U.S. Partner: Prof. Glen Rains, University of Georgia

Project Dates: May 2021 – April 2023

Collaborators: Prof. Camilius Sanga (SUA), Dr. Alcardo Barakabitze (SUA), Dr. Wulystan Mtega (SUA), Prof. Siza Tumbo (Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture) and Prof. Madundo Mtambo (Director General, Tanzania Industrial Research and Development Organization )

website: www.yeesi.org

TWAS-BMBF Seed Grant for New African Principal Investigators (SG-NAPI)

With the support of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), TWAS launches a new programme to strengthen the capacity of African countries lagging in science and technology. The new programme is aimed at young scientists who are getting established in their country or about to return home to an academic position. Under this scheme, grants are awarded to promising high-level research projects in Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Information Computer Technology, Mathematics, Medical Sciences and Physics carried out in African countries lagging in science and technology identified by TWAS.

Principal Investigator of the Project: Dr. Kadeghe Fue, Sokoine University of Agriculture

Project Dates: Jan 2022 – Dec 2023

Website: https://twas.org/opportunity/seed-grant-new-african-principal-investigators-sg-napi

FSNet-Africa Fellowship

FSNet-Africa aims to design and implement food systems research in partnership with stakeholders to identify solutions that can bring about sustainable change in African food systems.

Principal Investigator of the Project: Dr. Kadeghe Fue, Sokoine University of Agriculture

Project Dates: July 2021 – Dec 2023

Collaborators: DPRTC Office

Website: https://fsnetafrica.com/fellowship/our-fellows/

Climate-smart flood salinity tolerant Africa Rice

The project will identify novel genes or QTLs involved in flood or salinity tolerance of rice using African rice germplasm such as Oryza glaberrima and wild relatives. Three underlying knowledge gaps for achieving the overall objective are i) the role of the root barrier to radial O2 loss (ROL) in protecting against tissue intrusion of soil phytotoxins and salt (NaCl), ii) the genotypes and role of superhydrophobic leaf cuticles resulting in formation of leaf gas films during submergence and the consequences for sustaining gas exchange and protecting against salt intrusion and iii) the prevalence of the trait of anaerobic germination. We propose to use promising genotypes of wild relatives from wetland habitats to uncover these trait capacities

Principal Investigator of the Project: Prof. Susan Msolla, Sokoine University of Agriculture

Project Dates: 2021 – Mar 2025

Collaborators: Dr Kadeghe Fue (I am co-supervising a PhD student) and others.

Website: ​​​​​​​https://climate-smart-rice.com/