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We are dedicated to developing AI models that can provide useful information to help African farmers achieve top-notch crop production. Our goal is to equip farmers with valuable insights into the condition of their crops, giving them the power to make well-informed decisions based on data. Our Machine Vision Models are specifically designed to assist farmers in comprehending the state of their crops, allowing them to make data-driven decisions for the best possible farming results.


At our lab, we focus on creating Precision Agriculture tools to help farmers manage their land more efficiently. Our tools are designed to work with robotic machines, implements, and farmers to maximize input usage, improve crop yield, and promote crop health. Our priority is to create tools that are tailored to the needs of African farmers and cater to their individual requirements.


Our lab focuses on creating smartphone applications that cater to the needs of farmers. Our tools are designed to help farmers maximize the benefits of mobile software, even when they are offline. We specifically develop our tools to assist farmers in using inputs and water in the best way possible, taking into account each plant’s unique requirements. With the help of our Mwagilia App, we provide valuable advice on irrigation and fertilizer use efficiency. This enables farmers to make informed decisions and optimize their farming practices.