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About the School

The School of Engineering and Technology (SoET) was established on July 1, 2021 following the approval by the University Council at its 160th meeting held on 24th December 2020 to establish the School as part of the implementation of the Restructuring of Management System and Organizational Structure of Sokoine University of Agriculture. The School is made up of three Departments namely: Agricultural Engineering, Civil and Water Resources Engineering, and Food Science and Ago-processing. In addition, SoET has a number of workshops and laboratories equipped with up to date equipment. This includes metal and machinery workshop, quality control laboratory, pilot plant, building materials testing workshop, and hydraulic laboratory.

Through diverse curricula which blend advanced theory with practical application, our degree programmes are designed to produce graduate professionals who are well versed with broad knowledge, understanding and skills. These are essential ingredients in beginning a professional carrier; self-employment and attractive to employers.

The school offers four undergraduate degree programmes in Agricultural Engineering, Irrigation & Water Resource Engineering, Food Science and Technology and Bio-Processing & Post-Harvest Engineering. In addition, the School offers six post graduate degree programmes in the disciplines of Land Use Planning and Management, Agricultural Engineering, Irrigation Engineering and Management, Post-harvest Technology and Management, Food Science, and Food Quality and Safety Assurance.

We believe that the School has a great role to play in promoting food security, poverty reduction, and addressing other critical challenges and transformations including population growth and the effects of climate change because in addressing them, their effective implementation depend  on the availability of adequate, capable and multi- skilled engineers.

It’s a pleasure to extend a warm welcome to the School of Engineering and Technology