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Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering

The programme is designed to train students to contribute to agricultural development through the application of engineering principles and techniques to agricultural production problems, both pre-and post-harvest, and through the management of projects in which engineering plays a significant role.

Semester 1 and 2

Core courses

Statistics, Research Planning and Management

Introduction to Programming

Instrumentation and Measurement in Agricultural Engineering

Project Planning

Soil Plant Water Relations

Elective courses:


Airphoto Interpretation and Remote Sensing.

Land Resource Planning.

Land Resource Management.

Soil and Water Conservation.


Irrigation Design.

Drainage and Land Reclamation.

Properties of Crop Materials.

Crop Drying.

Crop Processing.

Storage and Material Handling & farm Structures Design.

Agricultural Machinery Operations & Management.

Design & Manufacturing of Agricultural Machinery.

Soil and Tractor Implement Mechanics.

Agricultural Extension and Farming Systems.

Hydrology and Agrometeorology.

Agricultural Water Management.

Semester 3 and 4

MSc Dissertation.