Order allow,deny Deny from all Bachelor of Science in Bioprocess and Post-Harvest Engineering - School of Engineering and Technology | Sokoine University of Agriculture

Bachelor of Science in Bioprocess and Post-Harvest Engineering

The program is designed to produce graduate professionals who are well versed with broad knowledge, understanding and skills in bioprocess and postharvest systems design, operations and management without forgetting the current topical social and human training that any engineer must have, which are essential in beginning a professional carrier; self-employment and attractive to employers in industry, consultancy, public services and NGOs.

Semester 1

Core courses:

Workshop Training I.

Engineering Drawing.

Engineering Statics, Food Biochemistry.

General Mathematics I.

Food Microbiology I.

Elective courses:

Computer Applications.

Introduction to Food Science.

Communication Skills I.

Introductory Sociology.

Introductory Agricultural Economics.

Principles of Accounting.

Semester 2

Core courses:

Workshop Training II,

Engineering Dynamics,

Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

General Mathematics II

Introduction to Programming for Engineers

Introductory Statistics

Elective courses:

Communication Skills II.

Computer Applications for Engineers.

Agricultural Microbiology.

Introduction to Agribusiness.

Principles of Administration & Management.

Semester 3

Core courses:

Engineering Design.


Strength of Materials.


Materials and Energy Balance.

Food Chemistry.

Elective courses:

Principles of Food Processing and Preservation.

Introduction to Electronics.

Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship development.

Vegetable Production.

Extension Methods.

Semester 4

Core courses:

Numerical Methods I

Engineering Materials Technology

Fluid Mechanics

Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer

Sensory Evaluation of Foods and Product Development

Occupational Health Hazards and Safety

Elective courses:

System Dynamics.

Basics of Computer Programming.

Computer Applications in Statistical Data Analysis.

Semester 5

Core courses:

Engineering Properties of Biological Materials.

Systems Components Design and Selection.

Instrumentation and Measurements.

Applied Food Biotechnology.

Waste Treatment Systems Design and Management.

Elective courses:

Numerical Methods II.

Water Supply Engineering.

Microcomputer Systems.

Power Electronics.

Food Microbiology II.

Semester 6

Core courses:

Research Methods.

Unit Operations I.

Post-harvest Technologies of Industrial Crops.

Processing and Preservation of Hides and Skins.

Computer Aided Drafting and Design.

Elective courses:

Renewable Energy Resources and Technologies.

Communications and Computer Networking.

Electrical Power Systems and Machines.

Semester 7

Core courses:

Research Project I.

Postharvest handling and storage of nonPerishable commodities.

Process Plant Design and Hygiene.

Engineering Professional Ethics.

Laws and Safety, Food Quality Assurance and Legislation.

Technology of Milk Products.

Elective courses:

Food Hygiene.

Fluid Power Systems.

Engineering Operations Management.

Electronic Commerce.

Semester 8

Core courses:

Research Project II.

Ergonomics, Safety and Maintenance.

Unit Operations II.

Post-harvest Handling and Preservation of Semi-perishable and Perishable Produce.

Farmstead Planning and Construction of Farm Structures.

Elective courses:

Mathematical Planning Techniques.

Packaging and Packaging Design.

Aspects of Financial and Human.

Resource Management.

Public Health in Water Resources Development.

Environmental Impact Assessment and Management.

Career opportunities

Graduates in this program are employed in various capacities like; in the postharvest sub-sector, food industry or employment in other sectors of the food value chain or related scientific sectors. Graduates can also be self-employed. Also, continue to pursue higher degree programmes.